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The guild 3 reddit

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The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Profession.

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In addition to their armor class, professions also receive varying amounts of bonus health.

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Professions are divided into three categories based on their armor type: There are currently two elite specializations available for each profession: one specialization comes with the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion pack, and the other comes with the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire expansion pack. Upon reaching level 80, the character gains the ability to train an elite specialization which often changes how the base profession plays. Once a profession is selected for a character, it cannot be changed. Professions are not restricted by race or gender and each is able to contribute damage, control and support during combat. There are nine professions, each with a unique style and theme to their combat approach which is emphasized by the use of an important profession-specific mechanic and access to different skill types and effects. Profession determines skills, traits and equipment available to player characters for engaging in combat and is roughly equivalent to a character class in other games.

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